Top 10 Most Popular Freshwater Aquarium Fish

Ever thought about having your own freshwater aquarium fish tank at home? Freshwater aquariums are like mini underwater kingdoms. Lots of folks love them because they’re super interesting and soothing. Imagine having your own piece of ocean right in your room!

Why Have Pet Fish?

Having pet fish is really cool. They come in many colors and shapes, like living rainbows. It’s like having moving art! Watching fish swim is calming, like your private fishy show.

Lots of Fishy Choices

Guess what? You have tons of fish to pick for your tank. Every fish has its own look and way of being. Some are small and adorable, while others are brightly colored. It’s like choosing pals for your underwater gang.

Let’s Dive into the Freshwater Aquarium Fish world

Ready for your own fishy adventure? Freshwater aquariums are homes for colorful fish that become like part of your family. No matter if you’re new or a pro, freshwater aquariums are a piece of nature you can enjoy at home. Get ready to dive in and have a blast with your fishy buddies.



Guppies have a lot of different colors and patterns. They can be red, blue, yellow, and more. Some have spots or stripes on their bodies. This makes them very pretty to look at in a fish tank. Taking care of guppies is easy. They don’t need a lot of special things. Just give them clean water and food. They like to eat fish flakes. Guppies can have babies easily. The mommy guppy will have babies, and they will grow fast.

To keep guppies healthy, the water needs to be clean. You can change some of the water every week. This helps remove dirt and bad stuff from the tank. You can use a water conditioner to make the water safe for the guppies. Also, don’t put too many guppies in one tank. This keeps the water good for all of them.

Neon Tetras


Neon Tetras are small fish that come in bright colors. They’re like little rainbows swimming in your tank. You’ll love their shiny blue and red stripes that light up your aquarium. They’re not big, just around 1 to 1.5 inches (2.5 to 3.8 cm) long, which makes them perfect for smaller tanks.

Information on Their Peaceful Temperament and Schooling Behavior:

Neon Tetras are super friendly. They won’t pick fights with other fish; they’re peaceful pals. What’s really cool is that they like to swim together in groups. This is called schooling. When they’re in a group, they feel safe and happy. It’s like having a fishy family reunion in your tank.

Tips for Maintaining a Suitable Environment for Neon Tetras:

To make sure your Neon Tetras are happy and healthy, here are some easy tips:

  1. Tank Size: A small tank is enough for them. A tank that holds about 10 gallons of water is great for a small group.
  2. Plants and Hiding Spots: Add some plants and decorations. Neon Tetras like to hide among them and rest. It’s like giving them cozy bedrooms.
  3. Warm Water: Keep the water warm, around 72-78°F (22-26°C). They love tropical temperatures.
  4. Clean Water: Change a bit of the water every week to keep it clean. Neon Tetras don’t like dirty water.
  5. Friendly Tankmates: Choose calm and peaceful fish to be their friends. Neon Tetras are shy, so having aggressive fish around stresses them out.

With these simple tips, you’ll create a comfy home for your Neon Tetras, and they’ll bring color and joy to your fishkeeping adventure!



Goldfish come in many beautiful colors, like bright orange, shimmering yellow, and even white or black. They’re not very big, usually about 6 to 8 inches long, which makes them great for small aquariums.

Information on Their Peaceful Temperament and Schooling Behavior:

Goldfish are very calm and friendly fish. They don’t like to bother other fish or cause problems. Unlike some fish that like to swim alone, goldfish enjoy being with their own kind. They like to swim together in groups, which is called schooling.

Tips for Maintaining a Suitable Environment for Goldfish:

Taking care of goldfish is quite easy. Here are some simple tips to keep them happy:

  1. Tank Size: Goldfish need room to swim. For one goldfish, a tank with at least 20 gallons of water is good. If you have more goldfish, you’ll need a bigger tank.
  2. Filtration: Use a filter in your tank to keep the water clean. Goldfish produce waste, and a filter helps remove it.
  3. Decorations: Add some decorations and plants to the tank. Goldfish like to explore and hide among them.
  4. Water Quality: Keep the water clean and fresh. Change about 10-20% of the water every week to remove dirt and chemicals.
  5. Feeding: Goldfish enjoy fish flakes or pellets. Feed them a small amount a few times a day. They also like treats like peas and small pieces of lettuce.

With these easy steps, you can create a happy and comfortable home for your goldfish. They’ll reward you with their vibrant colors and peaceful presence in your aquarium.

Betta Fish


Betta fish, also called Siamese fighting fish, are breathtaking to look at. They come in many vibrant colors like red, blue, and even iridescent shades. Their fins are long and flowy, making them look like underwater royalty. Betta fish have a unique personality too. They can be curious and often seem like they have their own fishy thoughts.

Explaining the Significance of Providing Proper Space and Territory for Betta Fish:

Betta fish may be small, but they like their own space. They need a cozy home with some hiding spots and plants. These places give them privacy and make them feel safe. Betta fish can get stressed if they don’t have enough room to explore and call their own. So, it’s important to give them a home where they can stretch their fins and relax.

Noting the Importance of Choosing Tankmates Carefully Due to Betta’s Aggression:

Betta fish can be a bit bossy. They don’t always play well with others, especially other bettas. It’s crucial to pick tankmates that are peaceful and won’t bother your betta. Some fish, like guppies and peaceful catfish, can be good companions. But, be cautious because bettas can sometimes get a little feisty, and they might even attack other fish with long, colorful fins.

So, when taking care of your betta, remember to give them a comfy home, some privacy, and choose their fishy friends wisely. This way, your betta fish can show off their stunning colors and charming personality in a safe and happy environment.



Angelfish are really pretty fish to have in your tank. They look like they’re wearing fancy evening gowns with their long, flowing fins. When they swim, it’s like they’re dancing gracefully in the water. Their colors can be stunning, with shades of silver, black, and white. Watching them glide around is like having a ballet show in your aquarium.

Discussing the Significance of Proper Tank Height Due to Their Vertical Swimming Behavior:

One special thing about Angelfish is how they swim. They like to go up and down in the water, not just side to side like some other fish. Because of this, it’s important to have a tall tank. A tank that’s taller than it is wide gives them enough space to swim up and down comfortably. If the tank isn’t tall enough, they might feel cramped and stressed.

Providing Insights into Their Compatibility with Other Fish Species:

Angelfish can be good tankmates if you choose their friends wisely. They are usually calm and peaceful, but they can get a bit protective of their space. So, it’s better to have fish that are not too pushy or aggressive. Some good tankmates for Angelfish are tetras, gouramis, and catfish. But remember, every fish is different, so keep an eye on how they get along.

Angelfish are like elegant dancers in your aquarium with their graceful moves and beautiful appearance. Make sure to give them a tall tank to swim up and down, and choose their friends carefully for a peaceful and happy fish community.



Mollies are lively and charming fish, making them a popular choice for aquarium enthusiasts. Here’s a brief summary of what you need to know about keeping Mollies in your fish tank:

Vibrant Variety: Mollies come in various colors, including black, white, and orange. Their eye-catching appearance adds a burst of color to your aquarium.

Social Butterflies: Mollies are friendly and enjoy the company of their own kind. They are generally peaceful but may have occasional disagreements.

Livebearer Fish: Mollies are livebearers, which means they give birth to live fry rather than laying eggs. This can lead to a growing population in your tank.

Tank Requirements: A tank of around 20-30 gallons is suitable for a small group of Mollies. They prefer well-planted tanks with hiding spots.

Water Quality: Maintain clean and clear water with a temperature between 72-78°F (22-26°C). Regular water changes are essential to keep your Mollies healthy.

Feeding Habits: Mollies are omnivorous, which means they eat both plant matter and small insects. Provide them with a varied diet that includes flakes, pellets, and occasional treats like brine shrimp or vegetables.

Compatibility: Mollies can coexist with other peaceful fish species, such as platies and guppies. However, avoid housing them with aggressive or fin-nipping fish.

Incorporating Mollies into your aquarium can bring color and liveliness to your underwater world. Remember to maintain a suitable environment, and you’ll have happy and thriving Mollies in your tank.



Platies are easy-to-care-for fish, perfect for beginners. Here’s a simple summary of how to take care of these cheerful swimmers:

Colorful Buddies: Platies come in pretty colors, making your tank bright and lively.

Friendly Fish: They’re calm and get along with other fish, creating a peaceful aquarium.

Baby Fish: Platies give birth to live babies, so you might have cute little ones in your tank.

Tank Requirements: A 10-20-gallon tank with hiding spots is a comfy home for a few platies.

Clean Home: Keep their water clean and warm, around 72-78°F (22-26°C). Regular water changes help them stay healthy.

Tasty Meals: Platies enjoy fish flakes or pellets as their main food. Treat them with yummy bites like brine shrimp or veggies.

Friendly Neighbors: They are good pals with other calm fish, but avoid those who might be mean to them.

With these simple steps, you’ll have happy and colorful platies in your aquarium, creating a delightful underwater world.



Swordtail fish have a special tail that looks like a sword, long and pointy. They come in different colors, like fiery red, bold black, and even shiny silver. Some even have cool patterns, like stripes or spots. Their tails make them stand out in your aquarium.

Explaining Their Peaceful Nature and Compatibility with Other Community Fish:

Swordtails are gentle and get along well with other fish. They don’t cause trouble or fights. That’s why they are called “community fish.” They like to swim with friends and don’t mind sharing their space. So, you can have them in a tank with other calm fish, and they’ll all live happily together.

Providing Guidelines for Setting Up a Well-Planted Tank for Swordtails:

Swordtails enjoy a tank with lots of plants. Plants give them hiding spots and places to explore. Some good plant choices are java fern, hornwort, and amazon swords. These make your swordtails feel like they’re in a cozy jungle. Make sure the plants have enough light to grow, and you’ll have a happy swordtail home.

So, with their sword-like tails, friendly nature, and a well-planted tank, swordtail fish can be a cool addition to your aquarium.



Cichlids are like underwater rainbows with their bright colors. They can be red, blue, yellow, and more. But, they can also be a bit bossy. Cichlids are territorial, which means they like to have their own space and might not like other fish in their area. They can even rearrange the tank to suit them!

Tips on Providing the Right Tank Setup and Maintaining Cichlids:

For cichlids to be happy, you’ll need a bigger tank with lots of hiding spots and caves. These give them places to explore and claim as their own. The water should be clean and warm, around 75-82°F (24-28°C). Make sure the water quality stays good by doing regular water changes. And remember, choose tankmates carefully. Some fish might not get along with cichlids because of their bossy behavior.

In a nutshell, cichlids are like living rainbows, but they can be a bit picky about their space. Give them a roomy, well-set-up tank, and you’ll enjoy their vibrant colors and unique personalities.



Gouramis are like living jewels in your tank. They shimmer with beautiful colors like blue, red, and gold. They have lovely fins that flow gracefully as they swim. Gouramis are also very peaceful, meaning they don’t like to cause problems with other fish. They’re gentle neighbors in your aquarium.

Guidance on Creating a Calm Environment and Caring for Gouramis:

To keep your gouramis happy, make sure they have a calm place to live. They like a tank with lots of plants and hiding spots. This makes them feel safe and cozy. Keep the water clean and warm, about 75-82°F (24-28°C). Gouramis are not picky eaters; they enjoy fish flakes, pellets, and even small bugs. Just feed them a little bit a few times a day.

In short, gouramis are like shimmering gems that bring peace to your tank. With a calm setup and some care, your gouramis will thrive and share their beauty with you every day.

Remember that there are many more fish species that can be kept in aquariums; these are just a few examples. Make careful to do your homework on each species’ unique needs and compatibility with other fish before deciding which fish to maintain.  This will help ensure that your fish thrive in their new home.